Source code for famafrench.wrdsconnect

# This file is part of famafrench
# Copyright (c) 2020, Christian Jauregui <>
# See file LICENSE.txt for license information.


    Object class used to set up a remote connection to wrds-cloud.
    This class largely builds on the "Connection" class in the `WRDS-Py` library.

__author__ = 'Christian Jauregui <'
__all__ = ["wrdsConnection"]

# Standard Imports
import os
import sys
import pandas as pd
import sqlalchemy as sa
from sys import version_info
from wrds import __version__ as wrds_version

# Declare 'wrdsConnection' object class
[docs]class wrdsConnection: __doc__ = """ Class for setting up the remote connection to `wrds-cloud`; largely builds on the ``Connection`` class in the `WRDS-Py library <>`_. Copyright (c) 2017 Wharton Research Data Services """ def __init__(self, autoconnect=True): """ Set up connection to WRDS database by providing necessary parameters, including username and password. By default, also establish the connection to the database. """ py3 = version_info[0] > 2 if not py3: input = raw_input # use raw_input in python 2 PermissionError = Exception FileNotFoundError = Exception appname = '{0} python {1}.{2}.{3}/wrds {4}'.format( sys.platform, version_info[0], version_info[1], version_info[2], wrds_version) # Sane defaults self.WRDS_params = {'WRDS_USERNAME': os.getenv('WRDS_USERNAME'), 'WRDS_PASSWORD': os.getenv('WRDS_PASSWORD'), 'WRDS_POSTGRES_HOST': '', 'WRDS_POSTGRES_PORT': 9737, 'WRDS_POSTGRES_DB': 'wrds', 'WRDS_CONNECT_ARGS': {'sslmode': 'require', 'application_name': appname}} pghost = 'postgresql://{usr}:{pwd}@{host}:{port}/{dbname}' self.engine = sa.create_engine(pghost.format(usr=self.WRDS_params['WRDS_USERNAME'], pwd=self.WRDS_params['WRDS_PASSWORD'], host=self.WRDS_params['WRDS_POSTGRES_HOST'], port=self.WRDS_params['WRDS_POSTGRES_PORT'], dbname=self.WRDS_params['WRDS_POSTGRES_DB']), connect_args=self.WRDS_params['WRDS_CONNECT_ARGS']) if autoconnect: self.connect() def connect(self): """ Make a connection to the `wrds-cloud` database. Similar to the `WRDS-Py` package's method :meth:`wrds.sql.connect`. Parameters ___________ None Returns _______ None Class instance attributes are updates. """ try: self.connection = self.engine.connect() except Exception as e: # Parameters for sa.create_engine(*args, **kwargs): # pghost = 'postgresql://{usr}:{pwd}@{host}:{port}/{dbname}' self.engine = sa.create_engine(pghost.format(usr=self.WRDS_params['WRDS_USERNAME'], pwd=self.WRDS_params['WRDS_PASSWORD'], host=self.WRDS_params['WRDS_POSTGRES_HOST'], port=self.WRDS_params['WRDS_POSTGRES_PORT'], dbname=self.WRDS_params['WRDS_POSTGRES_DB']), connect_args=self.WRDS_params['WRDS_CONNECT_ARGS']) try: self.connection = self.engine.connect() return self.connection except Exception as e: print("There was an error with your username and password.") raise e def close(self): """ Close the connection to the database. Similar to the `WRDS-Py` package's method :meth:`wrds.sql.close`. Parameters ___________ None Returns _______ """ self.connection.close() self.engine.dispose() return None def raw_sql(self, sqlquery, coerce_float=True, date_cols=None, index_col=None, params=None): """ Query the `wrds-cloud` database using a raw SQL string. Based on the `WRDS-Py` package's method :meth:`wrds.sql.raq_sql` Parameters ___________ sqlquery : str SQL code in string object. coerce_float : bool, default True [optional] Attempts to convert values to non-string, non-numeric objects to floating point. Can result in loss of precision. date_cols : list or dict, default None [optional] - List of column names to parse as date - dict of "{column_name: format string}" where format string is: * :meth:`date.strftime` compatible in case of parsing string times or is one of (D, s, ns, ms, us) in case of parsing integer timestamps - dict of ``{column_name: arg dict}``, where the arg dict corresponds to the keyword arguments of :func:`pandas.to_datetime` index_col : str, or list, str, default None [optional] Column(s) to set as ``index(MultiIndex)``. params : dict Parameters to SQL query, if parameterized. Returns ________ pd_sql : pandas.DataFrame SQL query result. """ try: pd_sql = pd.read_sql_query(sqlquery, self.connection, coerce_float=coerce_float, parse_dates=date_cols, index_col=index_col, params=params) return pd_sql except sa.exc.ProgrammingError as e: raise e def get_wrds_table(self, library, table, obs=-1, offset=0, columns=None, coerce_float=None, index_col=None, date_cols=None): """ Create a :class:`pandas.DataFrame` from an entire table in the database. Based on the `WRDS-Py` package's method :meth:`wrds.sql.get_table` Parameters ___________ library : str Postgres schema name table : str Postgress table name obs : int, default -1, [optional] Specifies the number of observations to pull from the table. An integer less than 0 will return the entire table. offset : int, default 0, [optional] Specifies the starting point for the query. An offset of 0 will start selecting from the beginning. columns : list or tuple, default None, [optional] Specifies the columns to be included in the output data frame. coerce_float : bool, default True, [optional] Attempt to convert values to non-string, non-numeric objects to floating point. Can result in loss of precision. date_cols : list or dict, default None, [optional] - list of column names to parse as date - dict of ``{column_name: format string}`` where format string is :meth:`date.strftime` compatible in case of parsing string times or is one of (D, s, ns, ms, us) in case of parsing integer timestamps - dict of ``{column_name: arg dict}``, where the arg dict corresponds to the keyword arguments of :func:1pandas.to_datetime` index_col : str, or list, str, default None, [optional] Column(s) to set as `index(MultiIndex)` Returns _______ None """ if obs < 0: obsstmt = '' else: obsstmt = ' LIMIT {}'.format(obs) if columns is None: cols = '*' else: cols = ','.join(columns) sqlstmt = ('SELECT {cols} FROM {schema}.{table} {obsstmt} OFFSET {offset};'.\ format(cols=cols, schema=library, table=table, obsstmt=obsstmt, offset=offset)) return self.raw_sql(sqlstmt, coerce_float=coerce_float, index_col=index_col, date_cols=date_cols)